This July, we joust for justice in our online, Game of Thrones-themed fundraiser. It's time to take a stand for consumers' rights. Our allies in the fight for safety, accountability, and justice across the state of Texas are helping us prepare for the major policy battles ahead, and they need you to join their ranks.

Winter is July.

How to play:

Donate between July 12 and July 23rd to build your realm's total points. For every $10 you give to your realm, 1 point will go towards protecting your realm from future invaders. From July 19-July 23, the jousting begins. Catapult another realm by clicking the buttons below and the dollars will count as negative points for that realm.  Catapults are $100 minimum. The realm with the most points at midnight July 23 shall be the victor! 

BONUS: Any NEW monthly donation will count as QUADRUPLE points for your realm! If you've always wanted to join the 300 -- our exclusive group of monthly donors -- now is your time. 

Learn more by visiting "Winter Is Coming" and other links in the Recent News section. 

Joust for Justice 2: The Hundred Dollar Wars

The realms: 

About Texas Watch

Since 1998, Texas Watch has been fighting at the capitol for patients, policyholders, and the public. Our vision is that all Texas families will have a fighting chance at safety, accountability, and justice against the powerful corporate and insurance lobby. We mobilize thousands of activists to put people pressure on lawmakers, amplifying consumers' voices when important policy decisions are made.