How We Fight
For 20 years, Texas Watch has fought for the rights of policyholders, consumers, and patients, advocating for public safety and full accountability through our courts as the Founders intended. Our courts are the greatest consumer protection we have, and citizen juries are our smallest and most local form of government. They work carefully each day to see rules are enforced, people are protected, and justice is done.
We thank you for your service and the many long hours you will put in over the months to come. At the Texas Capitol, we work to connect the public with their government, ensuring our laws protect the hardworking families who are the heart and soul of our great state. We oppose those who seek special privileges. The rule of law requires that we all live by the same set of rules -- no one should be above the law.
Please take a minute to learn more about us by clicking the video above. And please consider us a resource as we work together this session to solve problems, helping create a safer and more just state so Texans can thrive.
Again, thank you for answering the call to public service and know that we wish you only the best this session. Our door is open.
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