A paper with the word "insurance" on it

Insurance Reform

We faithfully pay our premiums to insurance companies each year and expect them to help us in our time of need

But too often, insurers take advantage of us when they wrongfully deny, delay, or underpay valid claims in order to pad their profits. This has to stop. Insurance companies need to follow the rules, just like the rest of us. The Texas Legislature has an opportunity this session to protect policyholders.

Featured Campaign

Stop Insurance Schemes

Take Action

Stop Insurance Schemes

HB 946 and Gilbert v. Fitz

Don’t let insurers cheat you!

Insurance companies prey on vulnerable Texans. After a wreck, they often swoop in and try to get you to settle on the cheap before you know the full extent of your damages and medical costs.

Take Action

Additional Insurance Reform Campaigns

lower texans insurance rates

Tell lawmakers to lower your insurance rates!

Homeowners and drivers are paying a lot more for less insurance coverage. Insurance companies have hiked our rates in Texas over twice the national average.

Share your Story

Share your Story

Your story can speak volumes. By sharing your struggle to hold your insurance company, health care provider, or corporation accountable, you can help us promote common sense reforms at the Capitol.


Insurance Reform Videos

Texas Watch at the Capitol: Stop Insurance Schemes

Texas Watch at the Capitol: Insurance Rates

Insurance Rates Are Out of Control!

Stop Insurance Schemes

Every dollar you give helps us reach 300 more Texans.

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Tell us your story and help strengthen accountability and safety measures for all Texans.