Protect Patient Access
Protect your legal rights!

Insurance and corporate lobbyists are pushing dangerous bills at the State Capitol that will limit your healthcare choices and impose a cap on damages if you are seriously injured. This is a giveaway to insurance companies at the expense of ordinary Texans.
SB 30 and HB 4806 limit patient access to care in a state where too many Texans are uninsured and face few options. This legislation makes it impossible for injured patients and their doctors to recover their real medical costs, meaning many patients will not receive the specialized care they desperately need when they are injured. We don’t need government getting between doctors, who are willing to directly help the injured, and their patients.
The bills also effectively cap the recovery of noneconomic damages for many injured Texans. By limiting damages related to mental anguish and pain and suffering, and eliminating damages outright in many cases, the bills prevent full compensation for injuries. Judges and juries, who hear the facts in your case, are much better equipped to make these determinations than politicians setting arbitrary dollar limits through broad laws.
Furthermore, SB 30 and HB 4806 force Texans to use their own health insurance when someone injures them. This would let the insurance company for the wrongdoer off of the hook. Many folks worry about how they will pay high deductibles or co-pays for costly surgeries. HMO plans may not cover the surgeon you need. You should be able to use the best doctor you can get. Private medical care should not be directed by the government nor limited for the injured, especially by laws that benefit wrongdoers.
Our laws should hold wrongdoers fully accountable, but these bills give special protections to insurance companies and special interests. They will limit medical care and threaten your ability to recover all of the damages you prove in court.
Protect patient access! Protect your constitutional legal rights! Take one minute to tell lawmakers to VOTE NO on SB 30 & HB 4806!
Legislative advertising paid for by Ware Wendell, Executive Director, Texas Watch, P.O. Box 42198, Austin, TX 78704.