A nurse filling out form for their patients

Patient Safety

We face an epidemic of preventable deaths related to medical errors in our country

Johns Hopkins study showed medical errors are the third leading cause of death, only behind heart disease and cancer, costing over 250,000 Americans their lives each year. A study in the New England Journal of Medicine estimated one in four patients experience harm in a hospital. In Texas, the effect of so-called tort "reform" has been devastating for patients who face high hurdles to justice if they are victims of medical malpractice.

We must do more to protect patients in our state. The Texas Legislature is evaluating a number of important bills this session in this area.

Featured Campaign


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Give Texas Patients a Voice

HB 923

Informed consent matters!

Patients need to understand the risks and complications associated with a medical procedure so they can make an informed decision. Please support HB 923 to ensure they have a voice in the process.

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Additional Patient Safety Campaigns

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Share your Story

Your story can speak volumes. By sharing your struggle to hold your insurance company, health care provider, or corporation accountable, you can help us promote common sense reforms at the Capitol.


Patient Safety Videos

Patient safety advocates testify in favor of HB 923

One minute could save your life


Patient Safety Resources

Communicating about Physician Sexual Misconduct (2022)

Informed Patient Safety Institute

Forced Arbitration

Public Justice

Surgeon Scorecard


Under the Knife

Texas Watch Foundation

Every dollar you give helps us reach 300 more Texans.

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Tell us your story and help strengthen accountability and safety measures for all Texans.